Sunday, 13 January 2013

Make ice cream at home with ice cream maker

Ice cream makers have been around at least since 1843. The technology used for making ice cream has evolved since those days. There are, today, various ice cream makers available on the market for homemade ice cream. All those machines however boil down to 3 basic types.

Manual Ice cream maker
Traditionally, ice cream has been made using these types of machines. They consist of two large bowls one inside the other. In the outer bowl, you need to put in ice and salt and ice cream is made in the inner bowl. They require no electricity but you need to manually stir a bowl in which the ice cream is present.

Freezer Bowls
In this one, you need to put in a special bowl in the freezer for some time. The bowl has two walls and in-between the walls there is a liquid. This liquid has to freeze inside the freezer first. Once frozen, you can put all the required ingredients into the bowl and put it back into the ice cream maker. The latter contains an arm that stirs the ingredients until it becomes ice cream.

Cuisinart Freezer Bowl Ice Cream Maker
Cuisinart Freezer Bowl Ice Cream Maker

Built-in freezing system / Compressor Ice Cream Maker
This one is a fully automatic ice cream maker that contains its own cooling system. You just need to put in all the ingredients and turn it on, it does the entire job. It generally takes less than 30 minutes to produce ice cream making it ideal if you do not want to go through all the hassle of the two previous ones. The quality of ice cream made is also very good.

Cuisinart Compressor Ice Cream Maker
Cuisinart Compressor Ice Cream Maker


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